The City of Breese Street and Drainage Department is located at 980 South Broadway. It can be contacted through the Public Works Department Office at 800 North First Street, between 7:30 am and 4:00 pm, or by calling 618.526.7151 anytime.
The Street Department offers a variety of services to the residents of Breese. These services include 50/50 curbing installation, storm sewer installation, and oil and chip surfacing of privately owned areas. Information and pricing for these services can be obtained at the City Clerk’s Office in the City Hall at 500 North First Street.
The Street and Drainage Department has construction equipment that can handle most any construction on streets and drainage in the city. The Department has four (4) full time employees.
Duties performed by this Department includes snow removal, street sweeping, right of way mowing, street surface maintenance, oil and chipping (surfacing), sidewalk installation and repair, storm sewer installation and repair, curbing installation and repair.